Brigade Gateway Neopolis apartment price starts at Rs 4.12 Crore and ranges upto Rs 13.26 Crore. These prices are set for apartments ranging between 3 to 6 BHK. These prices are tentatively set till the project is officially launched. The avg price set per square foot is Rs 13500 to 14000. Its expected rent will begin at Rs 45,000 for a 3 BHK unit and will depend on the size and floor plan of the unit.
Brigade Gateway Neopolis is a pre-launch luxury apartment township located in Kokapet, Hyderabad. It is spread over 9.7 acres and is launched by the esteemed builder Prestige Group. The project offers premium-crafted apartments with sizes ranging from 3065 sq. ft. to 9860 sq. ft. The construction of model units will begin after the project launch and its price plan will be released. It is currently awaiting approval from RERA and other necessary approvals. There are many deals and offers upto 20-30% on the flats during the pre-launch phase. Booking an apartment now will give higher returns to the buyers.
The apartments' prices at Brigade Gateway Hyderabad are set at the most affordable range. These are set below the trending price structure of the properties in Kokapet.
Here is a detailed price of apartments offered at Brigade Gateway Neopolis Hyderabad:
Units | Carpet Area | Prices |
3 BHK | 3065 – 3350 sq. ft. | ₹4.12 – ₹4.79 Cr |
4 BHK | 4120 – 4980 sq. ft. | ₹5.57 – ₹7.16 Cr |
5 BHK | 5760 – 7680 sq. ft. | ₹7.74 – ₹7.79 Cr |
6 BHK | 9785 – 9860 sq. ft. | ₹13.15 – ₹13.26 Cr |
The luxury homes here are perfect for those looking for affordable options within their budget. The price list shows property sizes and prices, making it easy for buyers to know the cost range. Brigade Neopolis in Hyderabad is a great choice for anyone wanting a comfortable and stylish home. The project offers flats and rowhouses in different sizes and price ranges to suit various needs. Prices may change, and the price list is updated regularly to provide the latest information.
The real estate market in Kokapet is growing fast, with high demand for properties. The avg property price in the area is Rs 11,000 per sq. ft. Rental prices start at Rs 20,000 for a 1 BHK apartment. Prices are rising quickly, so investing now is a smart choice before they go up further. Its IT hubs make it a great location for IT professionals. The airport is nearby, boosting social infrastructure development.
Kokapet is perfect for buying a home, as its IT hubs ensure steady rental income. Brigade Group studies market trends carefully to decide the best price. Buyers of apartments in Brigade Gateway Neopolis can expect property values to rise over time.
New-age Design: The units are designed as per the trending style and give a luxurious living space. These are crafted by the best architects around the county.
Affordable prices: The price structure of the flats is very affordable and suits the budgets of the buyers. After receiving the approvals from banks, buyers can get easy loan options.
Premium Location - The township is nestled in the best location of Hyderabad, that is Kokapet. It is close to the Financial District and Hitech City, which are at a proximate distance. It is close to major tech parks and MNCs that give many job opportunities. The job hubs reduce traveling time and the cost for the workers. The venture is close to the best schools, malls, hotels, etc. This also attracts buyers on a major scale.
High Rentals and ROI: The units launched by the Brigade group offer high rentals and returns. Its location also adds more benefits to the buyers and investors.
Brand Name: The flats are being developed by one of the top builders, Brigade Group. It is known for delivering units on time and with the construction materials. Its flats are reviewed to be the top choice for investment and to reside in.
Type | Row Houses/Villas |
Project Stage | Pre-Launch |
Location | Kokapet, Hyderabad |
Builder | Brigade Group |
Floor Plans | 3, 4, 5, and 6 BHK |
Total Land Area | 9.7 Acres |
RERA ID | Applied |
Launch Date | 2025 |
Possession Date | Dec 2030 |
Price | ₹4.21 Crore |
Number of Units | N/A |
Enquiry |